
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Who Am I and how can I help you reach your goals?

I’ve spent years working as a Military Fitness Coach in the Defence Forces, making sure our soldiers are in top physical and mental condition to carry out their tasks.

For the past few years I’ve applied my years of experience to my own AK Nutrifit business to help people like you get exceptional results, become fitter, leaner, happier and healthier all in a maintainable way.

As a Qualified Nutrition, Fitness and NLP (mindset) Coach, I give you the tools, guidance and coaching you need to reach your goals, transform your body and live a happier life.

Workout Programmes, Nutrition Plans, Habit and Mindset Coaching, you get it all when you work with me.

I will help you succeed where others have failed.

Check out what other clients had to say about the program below.

I’m ready for the challenge of helping you change your life, are you?


12 Week Coaching

Get your best body ever with my 12 week body transformation program


6 Week Coaching

Get your best body ever with my 6 week body transformation program

What are my clients saying?

As your personal coach I will design a tailored program that meets your individual needs and gets you results. Whether you're trying to lose fat or build muscle I have a program that will get you there.

Anthony Kenny Founder AK Nutrifit

Set High Fitness Goals

After you decide to start I will make sure you get the best coaching possible. My programs use nutrition, mindset and exercise for a winning combination that gets you the results you want

Individually tailored workouts to suit your personal goals and needs

Nutrition plans designed around you to fit into your existing routine

Every one of us is different and there's no one size fits all here

Coaching to suit every level you're looking for a starting point or looking to fine tune

Ready to Get Started?

Book Your Discovery Call Below